What is Anavar and who needs it?

All people, regardless of gender and age, want to be attractive, athletic, fit and physically strong. To do this, they actively engage in intense physical training. But what if, even with intense and regular physical exertion, the visible result leaves something to be desired?

Why Anavar is so popular

Anavar (Oxadrolone) is a modern solution for athletes and beginners to steadily build muscle mass and actively burn fat under the skin. A decrepit and “beer” paunch, cellulite, flabby flanks can disappear in the first weeks of active drug use in combination with active physical activity.

Main advantages

Based on its properties, Anavar is one of the safest steroids you can use to achieve quality lean muscle when used optimally. Among the benefits of using Anavar, consider the following:

  • Virtually no side effects.
  • Dynamic burning of subcutaneous fat.
  • A slight but steady increase in muscle mass up to 3 kg (with full drug intake).
  • The drug is a kind of energy drink, with which you can immediately feel an increase in strength for long and intense workouts.

Anavar comes in pill form. The active substance of the drug is oxandrolone. The main feature of the drug is that aromatization is never observed during the administration of the drug. Muscles are not filled with water.

Main advantages

Main advantages

Anavar is preferred by athletes looking to increase their physical performance and improve the appearance of their muscles. Usually the drug is taken separately from other means, but according to many advanced athletes, the simultaneous use of Oxandrolone and 120-140 mg of Clenbuterol per day gives an incredible result in muscle building.

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Drug properties

Anavar is popular with bodybuilding and weightlifting athletes. This is mainly because it contributes to a strong increase in strength. The synthesis of creatine phosphate in the muscle cell is stimulated and no liquid accumulates. Weightlifters and strength athletes who do not want to move up to a higher category benefit from this, because the drug gives them the opportunity to get stronger without increasing their own weight. Anavar increases strength, while testosterone makes the athlete more aggressive in training and speeds up recovery.

The second reason why Anavar is so popular is that this drug does not aromatize at any dosage. As mentioned earlier, some testosterone in the blood is converted into estrogen. This aromatization process manifests itself differently in different athletes depending on their predisposition to it. Muscles are never liquid with Anavar, making it great preparation for a contest. At this point, it is first important to keep estrogen levels low, because estrogen programs the body to retain water even on a calorie restricted diet.

In combination with a diet, Anavar helps to make the muscles firm and elastic. Although it does not destroy fat per se, it still plays an indirect role in it, because. This chemical suppresses appetite in many athletes. Anavar can produce a feeling of heaviness in the stomach which may lead to dizziness and vomiting in some athletes when the pills are taken with food.

In the Italian Anavar instructions for use, the drug is credited with having an effect on the activity of the gastrointestinal tract. Some athletes therefore speak of regular diarrhea. Although this is not a very pleasant phenomenon, it still helps the athlete in their goal to burn fat and look slimmer.

Another benefit of Anavar’s non-aromatizing ability is that athletes who suffer from high blood pressure or gynecomastia as a result of using strong androgenic steroids will have no problems with this drug. The combination of Anavar with Deca-Durabolin is a desirable alternative for this group of athletes when there is a health issue with testosterone, Dianabol or Anadrol50. Athletes over 40 should use Anavar primarily.

The third reason in favor of Anavar is that in very high doses this chemical does not affect the production of its own testosterone. Anavar does not suppress hormone production in the body. The fact is that it has no negative effect on the hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular arch, because when ingested, the testicles do not signal the hypothalamus to completely reduce and stop the release of gonadotropin-releasing hormone and luteinizing, as occurs with the use of most drugs, anabolic steroids.

Is important!

Anavar is still a steroid, so it should only be used by athletes who are confident in their strength and health.

Side effects

Anavar in reasonable doses does not produce any side effects. This is understandable, since the drug was originally intended for women and children. It is one of the few steroids that does not cause premature retardation of physical development in children, as it does not promote epiphyseal closure. Therefore, the drug is mainly used in children to stimulate body growth and in women with osteoporosis.

The drug produces very slight masculinization phenomena (if any). This quality makes it a favorite remedy for athletes, since at doses of 10-15 mg per day they rarely show outward manifestations of masculinity.

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Combined course

Good results are obtained by taking Anavar and 120-140 mcg Clenbuterol daily at the same time. Although Anavar itself does not contribute to noticeable muscle growth, it does significantly enhance the effects of many steroids in the body. It combines particularly well with Deca-Durabolin, Dianabol and various testosterone variants because the strength gains that occur when taking Anavar are increased when taking Deca-Durabolin, Dianabol or Testosterone which retain fluids and promote strong tissue growth, which leads to additional muscle mass.

The combination of 200mg/week Deca-Durabolin, 500mg/week Testosterone Enanthate and 25mg/day Anavar has been shown to produce good strength and size gains in most athletes. Deca-Durabolin has a pronounced anabolic effect and stimulates protein synthesis,

Those training for competition or wanting to build quality muscle should combine Anavar with steroids like Winstrol, Parabolan, Masteren, Primobolan, and Testosterone Propionate. A combination of Winstrol 50mg every other day, Testosterone Propionate 50mg every other day and Anavar 25mg daily has been shown to be very effective here.

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